Power Circle: Book and Movie Activity


A girl who elevates the quality of her relationships elevates the quality of the choices she makes in her life. To explore this power, pick out a book or movie from the power circle category. Find prompting questions below to answer after reading the book or watching the movie. 

Power Circle: When a girl chooses people who elevate her game - friends, intimate partners, parents, teachers, and eventually co-workers - she can:

- Engage in healthy conflict

- Negotiate for what she needs

- Show vulnerability

- Proudly share her passions with those around her


 1.  Reflecting on the list above, and using passages from the book or movie, where do you see the main character using power in her relationships?

 2.  Reflecting on the list above, and using passages from the book or movie, where do you see the main character lacking power in her relationships?

 3.  During the course of the book, does the main character grow or change as a result of who is in her circle of relationships?

 4.  In your life, who elevates how you show up in your life and the world around you?  Who lowers the bar?

 5.  What is one of the skills from the list above that you want to work on with a friend or mentor?