Defining Surge: Using Choice Not Chance


A big part of the coming of age experience for a girl is battling a vague sense of powerlessness, of things feeling out of her control. Outwardly she may look like she is succeeding in school or elsewhere, but this can be deceiving.

Psychologists and youth development researchers alike describe the power that comes from replacing a things-happen-to-me mindset with an I-make-things-happen-for-myself mindset as self-efficacy.  

Since a big part of developing confidence for a girl is learning to make choices for herself, the activity conveys how chancy it is to not consider your own ability to say yes or say no, essentially the control you do have to make decisions that reflect what you value.

Conversation Tips:

Give some thought to your own triggers when it comes to words like choice and values. Stay conscious of the ways you may want to judge or control how she responds to the activity questions.  Remind her that you are not judging her.



• Develop a deeper understanding of the concept of choice

• Develop a fresh understanding of when she makes decisions from a place of choice

Do This Together

1.  Write up a few questions like these on slips of paper:

Will I try out for basketball?  

Will I sign up for drama camp?  

- When a girl is being bullied on social media, do I stop reading it, or do I hit ‘like’?

- If I was asked to smoke pot to keep a friendship, would I do it?

- Others can be far-fetched, presenting a life-or-death ethical dilemma, like “If there were people trying to escape a burning building, and the only option was to leave an elderly person behind so others could get out, what I would?’

2. Pull up the online magic eight-ball. Then ask her to write up more questions. Play a few rounds using the questions you both wrote up. Once you are done playing, ask, when is a time you made decisions from a place of choice, not chance? Or used personal not popular values as a guide?  

3. Now read Power Surge and the skills that it takes to build it. Ask the closing questions: What is a skill she needs to develop related to this power? Who can help her? 

Super Girl


One of the first activities I ever did with girls at Powerful Voices is an activity called Super Girl. In this activity, a girl creates a mythical superhero that reflects what she values and identifies what she fears. 

The point here is to be creative and imaginative in talking about power and how to combat real problems. You can also use these questions for a group conversation. 

Supplies needed:

Paper, Markers

Conversation Tips:

Give examples. Draw on past conversations where she may have shared what she fears or hopes as a girl. What are topics you’ve discussed previously, or issues she is facing at school? Ask her to identify when she used her power positively or negatively in different situations. I've heard girls mention powers like "eyeglasses that allow her to see another person's perspective and help others see hers so that there will be less fighting and more understanding" or "a magic ring that freezes time so that she can think before she makes big decisions." Listen actively. Stay focused on what she is saying. Don't answer the question for her. By jumping into answering the question for her, you are taking away her power. It may even lead you to find openers for future conversations with her. Challenge her to think beyond material and physical appearances. 


1.  Ask, what is a girl super power she wishes she had? Why? It's helpful to ask open-ended questions with young people. You are aiming for deeper responses and explanations instead of yes or no answers. Use pop culture references (songs, tv shows, ads that sexualize females) to engage her in thinking about issues she'd want to fix with her superpower. 

2.  Using the piece of paper, have her draw the outline of a Super Girl to reflect her superpower. The Super Girl may look however she imagines her to look, there is no right or wrong way to draw it. 

3.  Include a written explanation as to how, when, and why her power is used. 

4.  Discuss actions she can take to channel this superpower and decide on one that she can begin to do. Create an action plan for how she can become more like her Super Girl.

Power Surge: Book and Movie Activity


When a girl uses Power Surge to make a decision, using choice to say yes or no based on her values, she grows to believe that her actions make a difference. To explore this power, pick out a book or movie from power surge books and movies. After watching or reading, answer the questions below.

Power Surge: When a girl understands that she has choices, she does not leave her life to chance and can:

- Use personal not popular culture values as a guide

- Understand media literacy skills

- Make decisions without concern for pleasing others

- Believes her actions make a difference


1.  Reflecting on the list above, and using passages from the book or movie, where do you see the main character using power in her choices?

2.  Reflecting on the list above, and using passages from the book or movie, where do you see the main character lacking power in her choices?

3.  During the course of the book or movie, does the main character grow or change as a result of the choices she makes?

4.  In your life, what are choices you’ve made that have had the biggest difference in improving your life? Which have made your life harder?

5.  What is one of the skills from the list above that you want to work on with a friend or mentor?